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About: Welcome


My name is Javier Peñalba. I am 35 years old and I was born in Nicaragua. After dealing myself with anxiety for decades since the young age of 6 after the sudden and unexpected suicide of my father a couple of meters away from me, I have worked myself on a long road of awakening that has led me to vanish a lot of the beliefs that were generating my anxiety. In my self-discovery path, I uncovered symptoms of conditions such as commitment phobia, relationship OCD, generalized anxiety, social anxiety, mild depression, and some hypochondria. What has affected me the most has been my fear of commitment in love relationships, for which I have had to work extra on myself to overcome it. Layer after layer, the beliefs behind these conditions have fallen back, realizing that none of these define me at my core, not even my life's story. 


In order to support my dream of helping others while connecting to my purpose, I have been accredited as an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). I am also an iPEC Certified Professional Coach (CPC)Energy Leadership™ Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP), and COR.E Wellbeing Dynamics™ Specialist. I am here to work with you to dissipate the clouds preventing you from seeing the love hiding behind your fear of commitment, which will allow you to create fulfilling relationships. 


Explore and Transmute the Core Energy Behind the Issues Holding You Back in Your Life

I focus on the Core Energy Coaching™ process based on the teachings of Bruce Schneider's imparted by iPEC. This process is a transformative approach essential to foster long-term results by focusing on the inner blocks and blind spots that may be holding you back from reaching your full potential in a sustainable manner. 

Core Energy Coaching™ focuses on our own energy level, meaning, how conscious and engaged we are when approaching life's events, and the attitude that we take towards them. This can help us to go deep into the beliefs associated with each energy level with the purpose of giving you the tools to choose consciously how to shift energy and thus, how to show up in life. 


The Core Energy Coaching process uses the Energetic Self Perception™ Chart above, which is one extremely useful way to depict your current level of awareness. The chart depicts the seven levels of energy, which represent our attitude to specific situations in life. Each level represents a different "lens" through which we can see life from a different perspective, and thus think, feel and act accordingly. The two lower levels are catabolic energy associated with stress and effort experienced in situations in life. The higher levels are anabolic and are related to power, effectiveness, and satisfaction. All energy levels serve a purpose, and none is "negative" or "positive". However, staying for long periods at catabolic levels can have destructive effects in us, as anabolic levels are sustainable in the long term. 


Fear of commitment is primarily level 1 and level 2 energy, where we feel powerless and victims in relationships and then we may feel frustrated and at times angry at our partners. Working with me through the Core Energy Coaching process, I can support you to explore what is generating your fear of commitment in love relationships and transmute that energy to find alternative perspectives through the lenses of the other energy levels, in addition to a variety of other tools, empowering you to live the life that you want. This way you can find alternatives to take action in life and show up in a more conscious and powerful way, instead of simply reacting to life's situations, allowing you to create fulfilling and powerful relationships.

Apart from helping you with your fear of commitment, I can also support you on relationship OCD, which many times accompanies fear of commitment; healing and improving family relationships; improving confidence and sense of security; reducing stress and anxiety; finding your sense of purpose; creating balance in your life; improving your spiritual connection; and in general creating inner peace and more energy for you to realize the life that you wish for.

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